Sunday 11 May 2008

Reading Books in the Sun

Empire of the Sun is not a book about Empires. Empire of the Sun is a book about a boy; a boy to inspire us all.

Empire of the Sun is a glorious book about adaptation, survival and how we interpret the world about us.

It’s hard to put into words how tremendously inspirational I found this book to be. Without an ounce of self pity, the lead character rationalises and logically adapts to society at its very worst.

He concentrates on his two great loves; loves that carry him through what could be the most horrendous days of his life. One is with him every day, in the skies, on the ground and in the excited thoughts that run riot in his head. The other is far out of reach. Only by surviving is there a chance of seeing and touching the other again.

One brings joy to his daily existence and the other brings hope for the future. Both loves are kept alive by strength, resilience and a fantastic force of will.

The book could be about the worst years of a person’s life. It could wallow, complain and leave you miserable. It doesn’t.

It leaves you inspired to touch, taste and smell all of the best bits of the world about you. It makes you want to learn about everything and to love, love, love.

I love Empire of the Sun. It’s a beautifully written tour de force. J G Ballard I salute you.

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